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In The Beginning…

Posted by on December 12, 2012

Always good to start at the beginning…at the start of 2012, I came up with an idea.
Make an app for my photography students that will give them photo assignments to complete.Pretty simple stuff, right?  Well, if you are an experienced developer yes.  But what if you are just a guy who has over the years picked up bits and pieces of programming/web design knowledge and skills here and there?  Not so much.
Well…I’m that guy.

The past year has been quite an experience that all lead up to October 31st, the day I finally launched my Photography Assignment Generator Apps on the Apple App Store. (Click on the link to check them out, and please download the free version!)

On this blog, I am going to document the journey I have taken so far, and will update as it continues.

Why?  Because I’ve made more than a few mistakes along the way (some real doozies), and learned quite a lot about the experience of taking a simple idea of creating an app and bringing it to life…

As an educator I am drawn to sharing my experience and knowledge so that those like me won’t make the same stupid mistakes.

One caveat…most of these posts are going to contain a lot of my thoughts, ideas, opinions, and experiences.  I am not an expert developer, nor do I have a marketing or business degree.  I haven’t become a millionaire from my apps (yet).  Keep that in mind. I’m just trying to share what I know to give you one perspective on this journey you are on.

So, expect quite a few posts at the beginning, and we’ll see how this all turns out….
If you want to be kept updated when I post, click on the SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE tab at the top, put in your email and hit SUBSCRIBE. (If you ever get tired of my ramblings, you can also unsubscribe there too!)
Also, the posts aren’t going to be in a particular order, but if you want to view them in a more logical way in relation to developing apps, click on the CHRONOLOGICAL  tab at the top.  As I put in new ones, they will be marked as NEW.

I’ve also got a RESOURCES page for links to other great info on app developing.

I also value your comments and feedback, so please leave a comment under any post you wish, or contact me using the tab above if you wish to send me a private message!

So, enjoy!

Noel Chenier

ps-oh, and I was a bit of a dork growing up….so don’t be surprised to see references to Star Wars, Star Trek, Indian Jones, Commodore 64, and other 80s/90s pop culture trends.

Noel Chenier
Photographer and teacher
LEARNPHOTO.CA, Noel’s online photography learning community!
NEW! Photography Assignment Generator Apps now available on the app store!
Noel’s Portfolio
Noel’s Photo Tips Blog
Student Gallery
Contact Noel


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