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What Kind Of MVP Should Your App Be At Launch? Minimum Viable Product Or Most Valuable Player?

The term “minimum viable product” (MVP)  is one that I came across many times when I started my newb app developer journey. The idea is that your first version of the app may not have all the features you want it to, but has enough to be an okay product. But is it the right … Continue reading »

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Should You Make Your App Universal?

  One of the first decisions you need to make when developing your app idea is which devices you want your app to run on. Do you want to make it universal for both iPhone and iPad? Here’s my experience! (571)

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Keep On Rocking In The FREE World!

As a firm believer that a person should be able to try before they buy, I would suggest you put out a FREE version of your app. That and the fact that most people won’t shell out 99 cents on your app, unless you are a known brand like Angry Birds, etc. Do you buy … Continue reading »

Categories: Marketing, Planning | Tags: , | 1 Comment

What’s In A Name?

The name you choose for your app is critical. But as I’ve found out, your app has more than one name.  Make a mistake, and your release date of your app can be affected severely…which I found out the hard way. (3197)

Categories: Marketing, Planning, Uploading | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

Come On Down…You’re the next contestant on THE PRICE IS RIGHT!

You’ve got a great app. You’ve spent months planning, developing, programming, and testing. You want it to be worthwhile. So how much should you sell your app for? (535)

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So You’ve Got A Great Idea For An App…

So are you the type of person who is constantly coming up with ideas?  Yeah, me too. The app store is overflowing with apps…with more and more being added each day. First question to ask yourself …is my idea unique? Because if it’s not, good luck. (3020)

Categories: Planning | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

In The Beginning…

Always good to start at the beginning…at the start of 2012, I came up with an idea. Make an app for my photography students that will give them photo assignments to complete.Pretty simple stuff, right?  Well, if you are an experienced developer yes.  But what if you are just a guy who has over the … Continue reading »

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