Happy Birthday! Two Years On The App Store!
Where does the time go? Crazy to think it’s been two years since I first (accidentally) launched my first app. Here are some of the things that happened over the past year: (779)
Learn Photo365 Version 2.0 Now Live On The App Store!
Well, version 2.0 of my apps are live on the app store, and operation get them into a top ten has begun. I’ll be doing a recap post down the road, but right now I’m focused on spreading the word as much as possible. So this post is actually just about the updates with the … Continue reading
Look Back As You Move Forward
As my “newb app developer” journey continues, I am still learning new things. As I prepare to launch V2.0 of my apps however, it has given me a chance to look back at where it all began, and how I’ve come to where I am at right now. (720)
Six Months Since App Launch…Reality Check Time And Saying Thanks!
Well, it’s now been six months since the release of my Photography Assignment Generator Apps, and I figured it was a great time to take a second to look back at how things have gone. Why the quote/image from “Oh the Places You’ll Go” by the great Dr Seuss? Because it’s an awesome tale about … Continue reading